This section explains the uses that visitors to the website can legitimately make of its contents, and offers instructions on how to cite the website and its component parts.
Facsimile ballad images
All the digital images of ballads that appear on this website are reproduced under licence from the Libraries and other institutions that hold the original works and the copyright.
Commercial exploitation of these images – including use in all published works - is prohibited without licence from these Libraries and other institutions. The identity of the relevant holding library can be found on every ballad page by looking in the ‘Publication History’ and then clicking on the edition that is labelled ‘Featured edition’ in bold font.
Limited non-commercial use is permitted under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Essentially, you can use and share the images for private study and educational purposes, provided that nobody is making any money from such uses.
In all cases, you must provide attribution by citing both the website (see ‘Citation guide’, below) and the Libraries or other institutions that hold the original works.
Musical recordings
Copyright in the musical arrangements is held by Andrew (Andy) Watts, and copyright in the recorded performances is held by the performers who have contributed. Commercial exploitation of the recordings is therefore prohibited without licence from Andrew Watts (please contact the website if you wish to communicate with him). There is one exception to this rule: excerpts of up to 60 seconds from individual recordings can be used without seeking permission (please note, however, that this does not include a right to remix or adapt the recordings in any manner).
All other uses are covered under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. You are free to use and share the recordings for the purposes of not-for-profit private study and education.
In all cases, you must provide attribution by citing the website, the arranger of the music (invariably Andrew Watts) and the individual performers (see ‘Citation guide’, below). Their names can be found on each ballad page by clicking the ‘Performance’ section.
Newly-written text
This term applies to all of the essays, notes, and other guidance materials that are provided on the website.
Commercial exploitation of these materials is prohibited without licence from The Queen’s University of Belfast (please contact the website if you wish to enquire).
Limited non-commercial use is permitted under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.
In all cases, you must provide attribution by citing the website and the author(s) of the material to which you wish to make reference (see ‘Citation guide’, below).
To cite the website as a whole:
To cite the section on a particular ballad, we recommend the following format:
To cite one of the introductory essays (on the ‘Essays’ tab):
To cite one of the supporting texts found on the individual ballad pages:
To cite a musical recording:
To cite the digital image of a ballad:
In all the cases mentioned above, the first references should be in the full form indicated but subsequent references can be sensibly shortened.
Christopher Marsh and Angela McShane